Monday, January 27, 2025

Tell your own story.

Waiting for Spring, 9x12, oil. SOLD

cold, snowy days are a perfect time to sit in my studio with a cup of hot tea and pull out my art books. No matter how many times I read them, I still find something interesting to think about. Today it was landscapes.

Landscape books often recommend beginning with the sky. The inference is that the sky's coloration and mood set the key for the whole painting. It is also suggested that we paint from the top down, working back to front. Supposedly when we reach the foreground, the painting should be complete. Maybe yes, maybe no.

To me and my way of painting, it make more sense to begin with the most important aspects of my painting - the focal point and the story I want to tell - and key my painting to that. I don't want to be hindered by trying to force my painting into a certain structure. I would rather just paint and see where the painting wants to go. 

Because my paintbrush often has a mind of its own, a sunny day in my reference photo might progress into a stormy day or even a night scene. Starting with the sky doesn't work for me.

So when you start a painting, decide what you want to show and the story you want to tell. Establish your focal point and then just paint. Put the photo aside and enjoy the process. Tell your own story - in your own way.

My thought for the day. Happy painting.


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