Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Goodbye Ginger Dog

Last month we lost our 10 year old dog, Ginger. We buried her beneath the dog tree in our back yard. Five dogs now sleep beneath that old pine tree - an Irish Setter, two English Setters and now, two Golden Retrievers.

"No more dogs" we said. "It is too hard when we lose them!" 

But we have always had a dog. The house is too quiet. There is an empty space in our house and in our hearts. Her toys are still in the corner. We automatically look for her. Is that her scratching at the door?

"No" we said. "We are too old to have another dog. All the work, the chewing, the training, etc, etc... No more dogs!"

Then, a few days later, our son stopped in and told us about a new litter of Golden Retriever pups at a local farm. Our first response was no, but the seed was planted... By the next day, after seriously talking it over and knowing in our hearts that we needed another dog, I called the farm.

We are now waiting on a new Golden puppy. She will be ready to come home with us on July 1st.  

Rest well, Ginger Dog. We will always miss you.

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