Friday, April 6, 2018

Almost Spring. April 6th.

This morning it was 19 degrees outside, climbed to 40 degrees by mid day and now at 6 PM it is snowing again. The large patches of bare ground are gone. My husband says there is still about three feet of snow in the woods.
We took a ride yesterday and, as I always do, I think of the colors I would use to paint what I see. The landscape colors were an assortment of browns and grays with a bit of olive green for the evergreens and raw sienna for the leaves that are still on the beech trees. I would choose a variety of grays for the bare trees and the birches. The old snow would be a mixture of grays and browns. Even the sky was a grayed blue. It sounds a bit dull, but there is a nice harmony of colors and a peaceful feeling to the bleakness. It reminds me of an old tweed coat, shabby and worn.
March in Maine is a long month. I once wrote that March was like an unruly child. Sweet and well mannered one day and temper tantrums the next. That was our March this year. It was a good time for spring cleaning both our house and my website, and my Ebay Store. The website and store are finished and the house is almost done. I have been working on small paintings for our daughter-in-law’s shop which will be re-opening for the season at the end of April.
I hope you had a good winter. Drop me a note and let me know what you have been up to. And let me know if there are any specific painting topics you would like to explore. I have been organizing my notes from our art classes and putting them together in one unit. It’s been a great refresher course for me. The study of painting is fascinating and you never stop learning. Just when you think you understand a certain aspect, you find that there is so much more. It’s a fascinating journey that just keeps getting better.
Stay well, thanks for visiting with me. Happy spring to you all.

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