Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Paris, France

The Virtual Hike Painting Group.  February's destination - Paris, France.

What a beautiful city to explore! We truly live in a fascinating world. I could spend hours on the computer just roaming around. The buildings are amazing!

And then, of course, there is the history of the area ... more hours on the computer.

So, for starters, I looked up the Eiffel Tower. It was constructed in 1887-1889 of wrought-iron lattice, standing 1083 ft tall. Built for the 1889 World's Fair and to celebrate the centennial of the French Revolution (1787-1799). 

One of my favorite books is Charles Dicken's "The Tale of Two Cities" about the French Revolution. More computer time.... 

This was an interesting scene that I really enjoyed - so I painted it twice.

Paris in the Morning 9x12, oil on canvas panel

Evening in Paris 9x12, oil on canvas panel

Sidebar - Do you remember the perfume - "Evening in Paris" that came in a pretty, cobalt blue glass bottle? It was my favorite when I was a teenager - many, many years ago. So I had to look that up too ... Soir de Paris (Evening in Paris) is the most known fragrance by Bourjois, which was created by Ernest Beaux in 1928. It was discontinued in 1969, then reorchestrated and relaunched in 1992. (It probably doesn't smell the same...)

These paintings will be available in my eBay store in a week or so. They need to dry and be varnished. Photographing the paintings is harder than the painting process. Trying to capture the true colors is nearly impossible...

Thanks for visiting. And remember that you can always join our painting group. It is great fun, free and no strings attached. Just click on the link above.

Happy painting,


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