The small country of Montenegro is
located on the Adriatic Sea directly east of the Italian peninsula. Bordered by Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania, it covers approx 5,333 sq miles, slightly smaller than Connecticut,
and is home to approx 650,000 people.
This beautiful country offers some of the most spectacular scenery in Europe, with rugged
mountains averaging more than 7000 feet in elevation, glacial lakes,
the 4,300 foot deep Tara River Canyon, its remote National Parks, charming
medieval villages and beautiful beaches along the Adriatic Sea.
The small coastal
region enjoys a Mediterranean climate of sunny, dry summers and mild,
rainy winters. The mountainous central and northern regions have a more severe
climate with heavy winter snow in the higher elevations. Because of
the terrain, farmland is scare but wineries abound and Montenegro
is a popular tourist destination.
Kotor, Montenegro, 9x12, oil |
I hope to have time to finish a second painting. The scenery is spectacular.
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