Saturday, March 25, 2023

Inexpensive Plein Air Kit to Make

Even though it's snowing (again!) this evening, it's time to start thinking about plein air painting. Make this super simple mini pochade kit for 5x7 canvas panels. Very inexpensive. Very efficient.

This box is totally self-contained and small enough to carry anywhere.

My $1.95 pencil box measuring 5x8x2½

My mini pochade box - all set to go.

This box is just the right size for two 5x7 panels. I tape wax paper on the bottom for easy clean-up.

I used a limited number of colors and adjust the consistency of the paint with medium when I add it to the box. (A very small container, maybe something lip balm might come in, can be used as a medium holder if you wish.

Two small packets of handi wipes are taped to the inside lid. A small plastic sandwich bag with two or three paper napkins goes in my pocket.

I was asked how I clean my brushes without turps. I don't carry turps in this kit. I use separate brushes for the darks and the lights, wiping them well between mixtures.


I brace the canvas with my thumb while painting, using the lid as my easel.

The box is deep enough to securely hold two wet 5x7 panels placed back to back and on an angle. The used paint brushes, wrapped in a bit of tissue, go back in the box.

A perfect fit.

It closes up, nice and neat.

These inexpensive plastic boxes come in many sizes so you can easily make up a kit to suit the size canvas you prefer.

It's fun to just grab the box and go without having to carry all our usual plein air gear. Great for painting in your car.

Thanks for visiting. Happy painting.


Friday, March 10, 2023

Spring is coming!

 Well, here we are in mid March again. I hope you all had a pleasant winter. We did!

It's been a busy winter with lots of painting and plenty of lazy days, too. It's time to get motivated now that the sun is shining and the days are getting warmer.

Splash, 5x7 oil, nfs

Sometimes I just have to keep a painting for myself.

Thanks for visiting with me.

Happy painting!
