Sunday, August 18, 2019

Genie and the Girls

I found some old photos that brought back fond memories.

A few years ago we were honored to have Genie Francis (from General Hospital) join our art class here in my home studio. Genie and her husband, Jonathan Frakes (from Star Trek) had a summer home in a nearby town. She joined our painting classes for a few summers. She is a delightful person, down to earth, funny, talented and had many interesting stories to tell us. They returned to California full time when Genie rejoined the cast of General Hospital.

Genie and I discovered that we both had relatives in Windsor, CT and joked that we might be long lost cousins. I still have a painting here that she started in one class. It was a pleasure to have both Genie and Jonathan in my home. Needless to say, it's an experience my class and I will always remember.

Lois, Celene, Genie and Vi

I taught oil painting classes to children and adults for over 15 years, both at my gallery in Belfast and then later in my home studio. I have now retired from teaching and miss those wonderful days.

Great memories!

Thanks for visiting.  


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