Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August Ramblings

August has been a busy month at our house with little time for painting.

This month’s Virtual Paint-Out trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina was non-productive. I spent quite a bit of time on the computer touring this interesting city but couldn’t find anything that I wanted to paint. And because my painting time was limited, I decided to wait for next month’s destination. 

I did sign up for Leslie Saeta’s September 30/30 Challenge. I’ve participated in her September and January Challenges for a number of years and always enjoyed the process. The daily painting, photographing and posting ritual adds a bit of urgency to the day and will force me back into my studio. And because there are no rules except “to have fun”, if I need to skip a day or two it’ll be okay. As an added bonus, these little paintings are always very popular in my Ebay Store.

I did start a few paintings this month and will share them later on. And, of course, I will be sharing all my 30/30 paintings. A busy painting time is coming up. Yes!

It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. Our weather has been cool and I think it will be an early fall. Both of our grandkids are now in High School. Where did the time go?! I hope you had an enjoyable summer. I’m looking forward to a quieter season and more time to paint.

Thoughts and prayers for the people of Texas and Louisiana.  

Thanks for visiting,

My Ebay Store

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